Skull Snaps

September 30, 2008

This is a solid album by a band with one of the best names ever. Their song “It’s A New Day” has an amazing, legendary drum break that has been sampled a million times by a million different artists.

Get this album if you can find it.

Great cover too.

Skull Snaps

3 Responses to “Skull Snaps”

  1. Les waters Says:

    If you want to find out whats going on with skull snaps contact us.We are playing live again and have new CD coming out in january.

  2. Les waters Says:

    If you want to find out whats going on with skull snaps contact us.We are playing live again and have new CD coming out in january.

  3. Les waters Says:

    From the skullsnaps new release is out and for more info on CD and live performances email me at

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